2018 Resources
January- Life of Prayer
(4 Lessons)
Anita Laffoon
Description: When we talk about praying, a lot of us think of sitting in church – heads bowed, hands folded, eyes closed, trying to pay attention and not fall asleep. But prayer is not a posture – it’s a action, a discipline, a lifestyle. Talking to God should be as natural as breathing and as much a part of life as laughter, tears, and love. In “The Life of Prayer,” youth with have the opportunity to learn about and practice many forms of prayer. Creative or active, meditative or vocal, “The Life of Prayer” encourages youth to connect to God and discover prayer habits that fit their unique gifts and personalities.
Cost: $12
February- Lent Box 2018
Abby Pratt
Description: A 40 day devotional and guide for building a hands on devotional box centered on the idea of Lent. A youth and children’s version will be available.
Cost: $25 youth, $25 kids, $40 both
March- Life of a Disciple
(6 Lessons)
Ben Brown
Description: From saints to professors, bloggers to revolutionaries, the followers of Jesus sometimes surprise us. When we think of disciples, we probably rack our brains for twelve male names, but we know there were others that followed Jesus too. Some disciples walked and saw Jesus in the present tense, while others opened orphanages in India or empowered persons of color to study theology. Through these lessons, we’ll see some new lives as disciples of Jesus as well. These lessons hope to show students that disciples are not merely figures of the past, but real people who answered real callings to serve Jesus.
Cost: $18
April- Life of the First Family
(6 Lessons)
Ginny and Jessica
Description: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other Abrahamic traditions see Abraham as a founding father of faith. Why? What’s so important about Abraham? Students will use this six week study to answer those questions and learn about the lives of Abraham, his wife Sarah, and his sons Ishmael and Isaac. They will also learn about what it means to live faithful lives and why we see Abraham as a father and role model for our faith.
Cost: $18
May- Fall Retreat Life of Spiritual Disciplines
Andrew Noe
Description: A full retreat (possible schedules, activities, lessons, etc.) centered on the idea of Spiritual Disciplines. What are they? Why should they matter to youth? How can we focus on God and our Spirit in a world of such constant movement and noise? Explore these questions and more!
Cost: $45
June- Year of Prayer Packet
Josh Beeler
Description: This includes 5 “seasons” of prayer: Back to School (Aug/Sept), Unity (Oct/Nov), Needs of the World (Dec/Jan), Beatitudes (Feb/Mar/Apr), and summer (May/June). Use this to help your youth pray and explore prayer.
Cost: $15
July- Back to School Box 2018
Ali Chappel
Description: 4 weeks of devotions and a guide for building a hands on devotional box centered around the idea of Lent. A youth and children’s version will be available.
Cost: $25 youth, $25 kids, $40 both
August- Life of Lament and Expectations
Justin Sizemore
Description: The life of the Psalter (6 lessons) is rich and powerful. Through study of the Psalter we can hear the voices of real people crying out to God and sharing their own experiences in light of their faith. Our students need to know that all their emotions are valid not only to us as their leaders, but also to God. Through study of the Psalter, our students will see that real people, people who wrote things that made it into the Bible, were able to express their honest feelings before God. Throughout this study, my hope is that students will come to see that they can praise God and speak with God on their best days and their difficult days. I hope students find that it is ok to lament and to ask God why. I hope students find that it is ok to praise God for doing good things in their lives. I hope students can look to the Psalter and see that they don’t have to fake their emotions around God, but they can bring all of themselves, praises, laments, fears, and doubts, before God.
Cost: $18
September- Life of a Christian Community
(4 Lessons)
Mary Lindley
Description: The title of this four-session curriculum is “Life in a Faithful Community,” and it focuses on helping students define, understand, and live out the biblical witness of a faith community. Believers are called to live out their faith in community, but what does this mean for each individual believer, what is this community supposed to look like, and what are its members supposed to do? The Bible paints a picture of a faithful Christian community, and all believers, including young people, should learn to live as passionate, active members within this community. As individuals learn to live out their faith, they will become leaders in the faith.
Cost: $12
October- Advent Box 2018
Abby Pratt
Description: A 40 day devotional and guide for building a hands on devotional box centered on the idea of Advent. A youth and children’s version will be available.
Cost: $25 youth, $25 kids, $40 both
November- Life of Excitement
(5 Lessons)
Clint Walker
Description: Life of Adventure…I believe that the call to follow Jesus is so much more than a call to proper belief in doctrinal statements. When Jesus called the first disciples he called them to a life of adventure. He called them to a life of doing-the-impossible and facing the unknown. This series of lessons takes us through the aspects of our faith in terms of an epic adventure, from discussions of mystery and purpose to finding companions to go with us.
Cost: $15
Month off!