Top ten things you want to do for parents

This week we are short and sweet and to the point. It is the middle of summer, so I am betting all youth ministers are okay with that. We talked about parents last week, and we continue that this week with…. “Top 10 things we want to do for parents”...

Top Ten joys of youth ministry

Last week we expressed our frustrations. Most of those probably resonated with many youth ministers. Today we keep it short, sweet, and beautifully written. While it is good to struggle together, we must also focus on the joys. Which is what we do today with…....

Top Ten frustrations of youth ministry

All jobs have struggles and joys. Sometimes it is just good to hear that others struggle with you in the same trenches of youth ministry. I hope these help you feel a little less alone today, as we explore… “Top 10 frustrations of youth ministry”...

Top Ten phrases to avoid in youth ministry

There is so much wisdom contained in these words that follow in regards to this week’s topic. While summer is very busy for youth ministers I hope you have time to read, as we continue our great countdowns this week with….. “Top 10 Phrases to Avoid...