This Month’s Theme

YMC Themes

Each month we offer a new theme and explore it through articles and a feature. Join the conversation by leaving a comment on any article or feature!


This month:

Jan 5th     Camp: Why do it?
Female Writer – Sara Clarke Turpin
Male Writer – Chris Cherry

Jan 12th   Disciple Now/Fall Retreats: Why do it?
Female Writer – Kristin Belcher
Male Writer –  Andy Farmer

Jan 19th  Lock-in: Why do it?
Female Writer – Carol Harston
Male Writer – Tim Schindler

Jan 26th  Wednesday nights: Why do them?
Female Writer – Carol Harston
Male Writer – Josh Beeler

January 2015  |  Stereotypical events

Check back each week for a new article!

Wednesday Nights: Why do them?

Wednesday Nights: Why do them?

Midweek Bible Study or Small Groups or whatever you call it. A weekly gathering of students to learn and grow together. It seems like a no brainier on why to do it. Sometimes we might lose sight of the reasons though. So lets jump in this week to..... "Wednesday...

Lock-Ins: Why do them?

Lock-Ins: Why do them?

If you are a youth minister, odds are you have had to do a lock-in. Maybe just hearing that word makes your stomach feel sick as if you just stayed up all night drinking soda. Youth love them though, but is that enough to make up for losing a Saturday trying to catch...

Retreats: Why do them?

Retreats: Why do them?

Happy Monday to you, and welcome back! I hope you have taken some time and look around the site. We have some really great resources available (Bible studies and a Retreat). All of our resources are created to be like a buffet. You can pick and choose what you want to...

Camp: Why do it?

Camp: Why do it?

We hope you are enjoying the new Youth Ministry Conversations site. Our goal is to bring you great ideas for youth ministry, while also providing a space for discussion and reflection. If you are new to the site, or the blog....WELCOME! Take a look around and send us...

Questions to ask while interviewing

Questions to ask while interviewing

At some time or another we all have to interview for a job. Coming up with questions in the interview to ask about your potential job is nerve racking and doesn’t always get us the information we want. The next time you are beginning the process of looking for a new...