Many youth ministers experience the joy of adding to their families during their time in ministry. With that extra joy, comes the need for some time to adjust. Some churches do not have any sort of Maternity/Paternity policy in place. We have included a few to help you and your church as you try and navigate the conversation. Hopefully these are a good starting point.




Buechel Park Baptist Church, Louisville, KY

“Maternity/Paternity leave is offered in the event of the birth or adoption of a child. This provision provides for up to six weeks of paid time off using accumulated sick leave… (you can accumulate up to 30 at 10 days/year), personal and vacation leave and six weeks of unpaid leave… The leave may be taken intermittently, in blocks of time, or by reducing one’s normal weekly or daily work schedule in instances of medical necessity.”


Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS.

“Since the Family Leave and Medical Leave Act is not applicable for organizations of less than 50 employees, Northminister provides the following parental leave policy:

  • Female employees will be gratned eight (8) weeks of paid leave for the birth/adoption of a child. Additional leave of us to three (3) weeks may be taken. If paid leave is desired for this additional time, the leave may only be applied to available vacation and/or sick leave, short-term disability, for the employee.
  • Two (2) weeks of paid leave is provided for male employees at the birth/adoption of a child.”




Providence Baptist Church, Henderson, NC

“Full-time ministerial staff will be provided eight weeks paid maternity leave in the event of the

birth or adoption of a child. In addition, such a staff member will be allowed the option to work

from home during the next four weeks with the exception of Sundays when performance of usual Sunday duties are expected to be resumed.”


Smoke Rise Baptist, Stone Mountain, GA (must have been an employee for a year)

“This leave policy is governed by the parameters established by The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)—see Appendix A—with the following additional, benefits, definitions and terms:

  1. Smoke Rise Baptist Church will provide up to twelve (12) weeks of leave in a 12- month period paid at a 25% rate of the compensation package to eligible staff, or up to three (3) weeks of leave in a 12-month period at a 100% rate of the compensation package to eligible staff, for the following situations: Birth or adoption of a child.”


Union Cross Baptist Church, Kernsville, NC

“Union Cross Baptist Church’s maternity leave policy will be six weeks paid leave with full

benefits. The six weeks used during the course of the pregnancy and/or after childbirth will be at the discretion of the employee. Six additional weeks for a transitional period will be given at full pay and benefits. During this period, the employee will be expected to fulfill all duties but may work from home on whatever duties do not require the employee’s physical presence at church”


First Baptist Church, Pendleton, SC

  • Section 1. Full-time and part-time staff will be entitled to 6 weeks of maternity leave. This policy shall also apply to staff who adopt children.
  • Section 2. Full time staff may also elect to use up to ten (10) days, not to exceed two (2) Sundays, of additional accrued personal or family sick leave.
  • Section 3. Part-time staff may also elect to use up to five (5) days, not to exceed two (2) Sundays, of additional accrued personal or family sick leave.
  • Section 4. Full-time and part-time staff will be entitled to one week of paternity leave. Staff may also elect to use up to two weeks of accrued personal or family sick leave. This policy shall also apply to staff who adopt children.


College Parkway Baptist Church, Arnold, MD

Under the “Leave” section

“Maternity, Paternity, Adoption, and Bereavement Leave

  1. maternity Leave: The full-time employee shall receive up to six weeks leave with full pay and benefits. The employee may request and receive additional leave time- using leave and leave without pay – if approved by the supervisor and the Church Administration Ministry.
  2. Paternity Leave: The full-time employee shall receive up to two weeks leave with full pay and benefits. The employee may request and receive additional leave time- using leave and leave without pay – if approved by the supervisor and the Church Administration Ministry.
  3. Adoption Leave: The full-time employee shall receive up to two weeks leave with full pay and benefits. The employee may request and receive additional leave time- using leave and leave without pay – if approved by the supervisor and the Church Administration Ministry.
  4. Bereavement Leave: Employees are allowed to take up to three days of paid bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member, or one day of paid bereavement leave for a non-immediate family member, upon approval, to make arrangements and attend services. Employees may, with approval, use available leave for additional time off as necessary.”


Broadway Baptist Church, Louisville, KY

Maternity and Paternity Leave:

  • Female employees who have completed at least 12 months of continuous, full-time service prior to the birth or adoption of a child will be granted leave with full pay for the following periods, following the birth or adoption: four consecutive weeks for a vaginal delivery or an adoption and six consecutive weeks for a Caesarean delivery. Maternity leave pay replaces any applicable short-term disability benefits during a maternity leave period, provided, however, that short-term disability benefits before or following a maternity leave period will remain available, subject to the policies provided under “Short-Term Disability”.
  • Male employees who have completed at least 12 months of continuous, full-time service prior to the birth or adoption of a child will be granted leave with full pay for the following period, following the birth or adoption: two weeks, which must be taken within the first 12 weeks following the birth or adoption.



andrew2Andrew Noe is the Student Minister at Rosemont Baptist Church in Lexington, KY, and the moderator of this blog. He enjoys superheroes, and trying to be funny. He is married to the wonderful and amazing Hannah Noe, and they are excited for their first child, a daughter, to arrive mid-July. They also have a super intelligent dog named Daphne, and a water-obsessed cat named Ellie.